Since last posting, two more 'core group' members, Rachel and Luke have gotten married. Sometimes I get all gushy and sentimental about the fact that we--David, Luke, George, Brad, Rachel, and myself-- all met in core group (aka bible study through Davis Christian Fellowship) our freshmen year and we've all still remained friends these last six years and are still there to watch each other go through these major life events. My first fond memory with core group was driving in Rachel's Jeep after a failed attempt to see a Switchfoot show in Redding. The Relient K song "Sadie Hawkins Dance" was playing on repeat and we were all screaming along to the words in a whimsical moment of uninhibited goofiness. Then there was the time where a group of us successfully went to a Switchfoot show in Sac, got to meet the band afterwards, and then went to Krispy Kreme for a gluttonous game of "pass the doughnut". Let's just say I almost peed my pants with laughter that evening. And who could forget the New Years where we split up into two cars and made up clues in the form of rhyming riddles that led each car on a wild chase all over San Ramon. My point is not to go on and on about all of the memories I've shared with this special group of people, but rather to show how far we've come since freshmen year. We've had all these ridiculous experiences of just being stupid together, and we've also
been at each other's weddings-- I think that's the gamut of a true friendship. Now the truly hilarious thing is when we all start to have kids---but let's hold on that thought for several more years ;)
Reading Challenge: Debut Works
10 months ago
I linked you to my blog :)
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