I've been wanting to post something of actual depth on here, rather than just a few sentences, but life has just gotten in the way I suppose. So the catalyst for me actually writing this entry was receiving my first traffic ticket today (I guess you actually need to make a complete STOP at a stop sign, who knew?). I need some kind of distraction from realizing I will have to throw $180 down the tubes for this error of mine....and blogging is indeed a dandy tool of distraction.
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A week ago, thousands of students graduated from UC Davis. I helped out at two campus commencement ceremonies as a staff volunteer, and as I watched all the graduates anxiously line up to walk across the stage and receive their diploma, I couldn't help but reflect on how much has happened since I walked across that same stage two years ago. Marriage, buying a house, deaths in the family, friends getting pregnant, all the health issues with my mom, and getting a new family dog. However, I also realized how much has stayed the same in those two years---having a majority of my close friends live around the Sac area, seeing my parents almost more than I did when in college, and working on the campus of my alma mater. I wonder if this is a reflection of being resistant to or scared of moving on. My thoughts go back and forth on this question. Why wouldn't I want to be near my community of friends and family? Why not take advantage of having the easy career transition from being a student to being staff on a campus that I love?
But then a part of me wonders if I am just sheltering myself from growing up and expanding my horizons. Do I lead too stable of a life? IS there such a thing as having too much security? What is it I really want to do as a career and am I just stalling this discovery by working on campus? I know I'm just adding to the chorus that a million other twenty-somethings in America are singing. But I can't help it.
Don't get me wrong, most days I'm completely satisfied with my life circumstances. But then there are those moments that I daydream about what it would be like if David and I threw all caution and responsibility aside and moved to the East Coast for a year. Or if we took an unpaid sabbatical from work to go on a summer-long mission trip to Africa. But I'm quickly jolted out of this line of thinking when I remember how we have been blessed with owning a home, which requires a little something called paying a mortgage. There's not quite as much room for spontaneity when that house payment is due every month.
So through my conflicting feelings of how much has changed or hasn't changed, I ultimately want to remain thankful for the life I lead while also remaining open to the life that is waiting for me on the not too distant horizon.
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On a completely non-philosophical note, I have completed the School of Rock sampler I promised myself I would make. It is a 3 disc customized compilation of my favorite influential artists and songs that were covered in the History of Rock class I audited. Just as I think it is important for all Americans to be educated in the major events of our nation's history, I feel it is just as necessary to be educated in the music that has served as an integral soundtrack to some of these major events over the last 50 years. In my mind, you can't separate the massive backlash against the Vietnam War from Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Fortunate Son" or the feminist movement of the 1960's from Aretha Franklin's "Think" or "Respect". This mix is my meager means of trying to spread a (very) condensed version of musical education to the masses. If you would like a copy, all I request is that you give me blank CD's and I'd be happy to burn it for you.
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My brother, Steve, has officially started his 2 month film program at USC! I am so proud (and jealous) of him! Want to get his perspective on being a complete newcomer to the film industry? Go to his blog here.
Alright folks, time to try to be somewhat productive today. Peace.
Reading Challenge: Debut Works
10 months ago
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